Thursday, May 31, 2007

Random Happenings

A couple months ago we had a girls night with mud masks and pedicures! Ryan came home and crashed the party so we made him a girl for the night.
I think he was too tired to protest.

I heard Georgia get up from her nap the other day and she was whining to Claudia about something. I was working on my blog (surprise!) and wasn't paying much attention to the noise. got quiet. Too quiet. This is where I found Georgia.
Apparently nap time wasn't over!

This is Julia's wart. I asked her to think of something interesting to put on the blog. This was her answer. I guess it's interesting in a grotesque kind of way!

Julia decided to grace Georgia with her time and play dress-ups with her. In this first picture, Julia wanted to look like she was flying, so she had the great idea to put Georgia on the couch and stand behind it. Pretty creative.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Nice wart Julia - thanks for sharing!